A dance of exuberance, passion, and history, 'Tsestos' stands as a symbol of Cypriot culture. With its rhythmic beats and fluid movements, the dance is more than just an art—it's a storytelling medium.

Ancient scripts and murals hint at the dance's pagan origins, potentially linked to rituals celebrating fertility and nature's cycles. Over epochs, Tsestos adopted and assimilated various elements from different cultures while maintaining its intrinsic Cypriot spirit. 

Dancers, often in vibrant traditional costumes, form a close-knit circle. This circular formation isn't just a choreographic choice; it's a symbol of unity, community, and the cyclical nature of life. As the music accelerates, the footwork becomes more intricate, with dancers enacting tales of love, valor, and everyday life.

Tsestos photos: 
  • Tsestos
  • Tsestos